Friday, November 21, 2014

Wandering off on the Internet

I am putting together a lesson plan on how to sift through the vast amount of content that is out there on the web.  This has been a daunting task for me to say the least.

I stumbled upon internet live stats that gives you live statistics on everything that is online.  At the time of writing this blog, there are:
  • 3.1 billion internet users in the world
  • 1.1 billion total number of websites
  • 200 billion emails sent (today)
  • 3.7 billion google searches (today)
  • 7.4 billion Videos played (today)
  • 1.3 billion active Facebook users

But my data above is very boring and static.  You have to view the live tab.  You can see the counter increase at great speed.  You get the counts everything that is happening on the internet, right now, live, in real time...did I say right now?  You have to check it out. 

There is also a '1 second' tab on the website which lists things like (at the time of writing this blog):

  • 8,073 tweets posted (in one second!)
  • 1499 instagram photos uploaded (in one second!)
  • 1600 tumblr posts (in one second!)
  • 1594 Skype calls (in one second!)
  • 24,463 GB of web traffic (in one second!)
  • 46,430 Google Searches (in one second!)

In the 'watch' tab, you can see the information listed above but represented visually.  It also lists interesting facts such as number of devices sold, number of websites hacked, electricity used, CO2 emissions caused by internet usage, and others.

And finally, there is a 'trends & more' tab that has interesting information such as internet users by country, google search market share, and others.

Why do I mention all this?  Because it is so easy to get lost in this big world wide web.  And with the staggering numbers above, we now know why! 

ps- I still haven't started my lesson plan on how to sift through the internet...I wandered off onto one of the 1.1 BILLION webpages.

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